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HDR FootballGame InfoHDR Right
 Id  Season  Lobby  Room  Start  End  Duration 
609030 57 PES 6 The Den Patch Salón valenyb1 22/01/2023 06:38 22/01/2023 06:46 07:49 min.
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HDR FootballTeam InfoHDR Right
 Patch  Rating  Rat ±  Pt +  Profile  User  Team    Result  90  ET  Pen    Team  User  Profile  Pt +  Rat ±  Rating  Patch 
Unknown 500 10 50 valenyb1 valenyb1 Unknown 7 - 6 2 - 2 5 - 4 Unknown moneteeh moneteeh 30 -10 490 Unknown
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HDR FootballGame SettingsHDR Right
 Match Time  Extra Time  Penalties  Injuries  Pauses  Subs  Time Limit  Condition  Time Of Day  Season  Weather  Chat enabled 
5 minutes No Yes Yes 3 3 Regular Random Random Random Random Yes
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Last online - foiagor4as, qqq, Millo93, Myguel2327, Jotat77, fran999, F10, KevinCamacho Fiveserver lobbies Sixserver: 80255 players (19 online)
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