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HDR FootballGame InfoHDR Right
 Id  Season  Lobby  Room  Start  End  Duration 
590186 57 PES 6 The Den Patch Salón xte 05/01/2023 23:00 05/01/2023 23:14 13:32 min.
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HDR FootballTeam InfoHDR Right
 Patch  Rating  Rat ±  Pt +  Profile  User  Team    Result  90  ET  Pen    Team  User  Profile  Pt +  Rat ±  Rating  Patch 
Unknown 463 0 40 xte xte Unknown 2 - 2 2 - 2 Unknown lautaro20 lautaro20 40 0 469 Unknown
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HDR FootballGame SettingsHDR Right
 Match Time  Extra Time  Penalties  Injuries  Pauses  Subs  Time Limit  Condition  Time Of Day  Season  Weather  Chat enabled 
10 minutes No No Yes 3 3 Regular Random Random Random Random Yes
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Last online - fer1988, IVANELMUFEADO2, Douglass, ALAN12YT, urbani98, emike, corchi12, Friendspes Fiveserver lobbies Sixserver: 80213 players (170 online)
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